💌 The Most Valuable Possession & The King of Unbelief👇
The Nafs itself contains several meanings, including soul, self, lust and others. Lust can also mean emotion or anger and ambition or desire in humans. The above meanings are often used among tasawwuf experts, because they interpret the word nafs as something that includes despicable traits in humans. That is why they assert about the need to fight lust or curb it.
Humans are created by God to have lust as a driver to work to make ends meet or avoid the dangers that might befall, such as appetite and sex. If humans do not have appetite and drink, of course he will be weak and sick or die. If there is no sexual lush, of course humans will not breed and no one will enliven in this earth. Likewise, if humans do not have the desire to defend themselves, humans will perish and be destroyed.
But if humans indulge in lust, of course they will act against the boundary. As a result, it not only destroys itself, but also other humans and surrounding beings. Therefore lust needs to be controlled so that it continues to run and does not deviate on evil.
The nafs (lust) is also understood as a strong impulse to do bad things, whereas in the Qur’an the nafs does not always have a negative connotation.
Ancient Arabic literature uses the word nafs to refer to oneself or someone, while the word spirit is used to refer to breath and wind. At the beginning of the decline of the Qur’an, the word nafs is used to refer to the soul or the side in man, while the spirit is used to refer to the angel Gabriel or the special gift of God. Only in the period after the whole Qur’an in the Islamic world, the word nafs is used by Arabic literature to refer to soul and spirit crossly, and both are used to refer to spirituality, angels and jinn. Arabic also uses the terms nafsiyun and nafsaniyun to mention things related to the nafs.
💎 In the Qur’an, the word nafs has several meanings:
🔹 Nafs, as self or someone [3:61, 12:54, 51:21]
🔹 Nafs, as God [6:12,54]
🔹 Nafs, as a person something [25:3]
🔹 Nafs, as spirit [6:93]
🔹 Nafs as soul [91:7, 89:27]
🔹 Nafs as human totality [5:32]
🔹 Nafs as the human side which gives birth to behavior [13:11]
🟤 The Qur’an implies a diversity of nafs and their ranks, namely:
♦️an-Nafs al-Ammarah, which is the soul that always commands evil.
♦️an-Nafs al-Lawwamah: the soul that regrets itself.
♦️an-Nafs al-Muthmainnah: A clear and bright soul by remembering Allah and eradicating the influence of lust and despicable qualities.
🟥 an-nafs al-ammarah as stated in Surah Yusuf 12:53.
The nafs at this level is a low desire of human who tends to rule to encourage people to do evil. In general, the evil actions that humans do are caused by this low urge. Low human desires rarely produce good actions. The nafs of this category is also called an-nafs al-hayawaniyyah (animal soul). An-nafs al-ammarah is the lowest level of human spiritual development.
🟥 an-nafs al-lawwamah as mentioned in the surah Al-Qiyamah 75:2.
The soul of this category is the soul that denounces or blames itself. If the person who deviates from the right path outlined by God in religion, immediate remorse arises in his mind. Honest remorse for wrong actions is very important in order to return (repentance) to God, to always be on His path. The nafs who has an awareness of the wrongs he has done has a position or a higher level of the soul which is at the first level. The reason is because the soul who is able to criticize and blame themselves has hope to rediscover the truth and follow it. This is what is called an-nafs al-insaniyyah (human Nafs).
🟥 an-nafs al-muthmainnah (calm soul) as mentioned in surah Al-Fajr 89:27-28.
This nafs muthmainnah is the nafs which is excluded in the word of Allah subḥānahu wa ta’āla in 12:53[inna-nafsa la’ammarat bi as-su’illa ma rahima rabbi (in fact the desires are surely command to do bad things, except the soul which is blessed by my Lord)].
**This soul is blessed by God.
📚 Journal on meaning of Nafs(Based on Quraish Shihab’s Interpretation), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup.
May the Almighty make us all the blessed souls (of an-nafs al-muthmainnah)🤲
♥️ In this context, let’s ponder over this king’s story👇 & visualise word to word, scene to scene 💭 & contemplate over the moral/takeaway ⬇️
♦️ Title:- The King of Unbelief
♦️ Story:- The king of unbelief has approached with his soldiers and entire camp, but he has found the heart behind a fortress seated on the throne of his kingdom, his command passes amongst his allies and his troops surround him and fight to defend him and his quarters, so the enemy could not proceed unless they penetrate through his entourage and his soldiers.
***Hence, they enquire about the most exceptional soldier he has and the closest one to the king.
***It is replied: “The soul.”
So the opposing king will command his troops to force entry through it and its desires and take particular notice ofthe things it loves, then use that and arouse the desire for it in him before carving this beloved feature into it, whether he is asleep or awake.
If it feels reassured and at ease, release the sharp hooks and traps of desires, then pull him in with them.
If these desires become engrossed in the heart, they become assistance for you against him, and now you have conquered the channels of the eyes, the ear, the tongue, the mouth, the hands and legs.
So remain stationed at these posts as much as possible.
Whenever you enter through them into the heart, he becomes a victim or a captive or riddled with injuries, so do not vacate these channels and do not allow another brigade to enter through them into the heart in order to remove you.
However, if you are defeated, then work tirelessly to weaken the other brigade from even reaching the heart, so that even if it does reach the heart, it will be too weak to have an effect.
📚 The Disease and The Cure {Al-Jawab al-Kafi Liman Sal ‘An al-Dawã al-Shafi(The Sufficient Answer for the One Who Asked About the Remedial Cure)} ~ Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
May the Almighty save our souls from the king of unbelief🤲
Only Allāh subḥānahu wa ta’āla knows the best…
Allahummaghfirli Allahummarhamni Allahummarzuqni Allahummahdini🤲
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🔹And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers. [Al-Qur’an 51:55]
🔹One who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of its doer. [Sahih Muslim 4665]
♥️ May our beloved Rabbi envelop us & our loved ones in his infinite mercy always…
Ya Wadud, we seek forgiveness for every sin that draws us near Your displeasure or anger🤲
~~~Radiant Islamic Peace Submission (www.ripskit.com)
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