🤍Greet With Peace Again💚
Laa ilaaha illallah Muhammad’ur Rasoolullah.
🤲 Allahumma Antas-Salam wa minkas-salam; Tabaarakta yaa Dhal-jalaali wal-ikraam.
اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ السَّلاَمُ وَمِنْكَ السَّلاَمُ تَبَارَكْتَ يَا ذَا الْجَلاَلِ وَالإِكْرَامِ
[O Allah, You are As-Salam (The Source Of Peace), From You is all Peace, Blessed are You, O Possessor of Majesty and Honour.]
♥️Hadith:- The Messenger of Allah(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said,
“When one of you meets his brother, let him greet him with peace.
If they are separated by a tree, a wall, or a stone, and he meets him again, let him greet him with peace again.”
📚 Sunan Abī Dāwūd 5200, Riyad as-Salihin 860, also reported with different wordings in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 1010, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 1011, al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ 7983.
❣️Hadith Commentary:- It is recommended for a Muslim to greet his fellow Muslim with peace whenever he meets him. Even if they are together and part for some reason and meet again, even shortly, it is recommended to greet him with peace. One should not say that he has just met his brother and there is no need to greet him again. Even if they are separated by a tree, a wall, or a rock, in such a way that they cannot see each other, it is recommended to greet him with peace immediately when they meet.
Let’s revive this forgotten sunnah by practicing it ourselves & advising our loved ones, fellow-mates to practice it &&& earn rewards for each Salam💎
Only Allāh subḥānahu wa ta’āla knows the best…
All the praise and appreciation is due to Allah…
🤲 Rabbighfirli wali’waalidayya.
رَّبِّ ٱغْفِرْ لِى وَلِوَٰلِدَىَّ
[My Lord! Forgive me and my parents.]
🤲 Allāhumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammadin.
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّمْ عَلَى نَبِيِّنَا مُحَمَّدٍ
[O Allah, we ask for your peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad.]
🤲 Sub’haana rabbika rabbil ‘izzati amma yasifun wa salaamun alal mursaleen wal’hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.
سُبْحَانَ رَبِّكَ رَبِّ الْعِزَّةِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ، وَسَلَامٌ عَلَى الْمُرْسَلِينَ، وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
[Exalted is your Lord, the Lord of might, above what they describe. And peace upon the messengers. And praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds.]
🤲 Sub’haanaka Allāhumma wa bi hamdika, ash’hadu an laa ilaaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayka.
سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ
[Glorified be You, O Allāh, our Lord, I praise You. There is no god but You. I seek Your forgiveness and repent (of my sins) to You.]
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🔹And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers. [Al-Qur’ān 51:55]
🔹One who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of its doer. [Sahih Muslim 4665]
♥️ May our beloved Rabbi envelop us & our loved ones in his infinite mercy always…
Ya Wadud, we seek forgiveness for every sin that draws us near Your displeasure or anger🤲
~~~Radiant Islamic Peace Submission (www.ripskit.com)
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