Open all your Locks ๐ with this Master Key ๐
Laa ilaaha illallah Muhammadโur Rasoolullah.
๐คฒ Aโoodhu billahi an akoona minal jaahileen.
ุฃูุนููุฐู ุจูุงูููููู ุฃููู ุฃูููููู ู ููู ุงููุฌูุงููููููู
[I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant.]
Al-Fattah (ูฑููููุชููุงุญู)
๐Al-Fattah comes from the Arabic root โFa-Ta-Haโ which means to open or to judge.
๐Al-Fattah is the Opener, the Judge, the Reliever and the Granter of Success.
๐He is the one who opens the hearts of His slaves and holds the keys to goodness and success in this world and the hereafter.
๐It is He who makes judgments according to His Knowledge and Wisdom and separates the truth from the falsehood.
๐He opens or locks His doors of mercy to whom He pleases.
๐Through his guidance whatever is unclear becomes clear.
๐Allah๏ทป is the ultimate source of success and victory in both the worlds.
๐He holds all the keys of our life and opens all the doors – be it physical, mental, financial, spiritual, moral or any other you can think of.
๐Allah๏ทป also opens the doors to His tests, for both the believers & disbelievers. He may open the access to fame, wealth, or power just to see how we respond. For others, he may take it away.
๐โฅ๏ธThe believer benefits in knowing Al-Fattah.
๐The Prophet๏ทบ recommended that when we enter the masjid we should make this du’aa,
ุงููููููู ูู ุงููุชูุญู ููู ุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุฑูุญูู ูุชููู
Allahumma aftahli abwaba rahmatik (O Allah, open to me the gates of your mercy). And when one leaves let him say:
ุงููููููู ูู ุฅููููู ุฃูุณูุฃููููู ู ููู ููุถููููู
Allahumma inni as’aluka min fadlik (O Allah, I ask You of Your bounty)
The parallel, when you enter a masjid seek his mercy, look towards your after life, but when you leave, seek his grace, and bounty so that you can be successful in this world.
๐คฒ May Allah subแธฅฤnahu wa taโฤla our master Al-Fattah, the possessor of master key, lock all the internal and external evils of our life and unlock all the locked doors/provisions towards success & goodness for all of us, our loved ones & our ummah.
From being a drop of fluid in the motherโs womb till being a dust particle in the earthโs womb (grave) & re-live in aakhirah – we need the master key and the key holderโs mercy – letโs ask him his bounties with this beautiful name Al-Fattah๐
๐คฒ Yaa Fattah Yaa Fattah Yaa Fattah!
Allฤhumma aftah lee abwฤbal khair, wa abwฤbal barakah, wa abwฤban ni’mah, wa abwabal rahma, wa abwabal ilm, wa abwฤbar rizqi, wa abwฤbal quwwah, wa abwฤbas sihhah, wa abwฤbas salฤmah, wa abwฤbal ‘ฤfiyah, wa abwabal mawaddah, wa abwabal maghfira, wa abwฤbal jannah, yaa arhamar rฤhimeen.
ูุง ููุชููุงุญู ูุง ููุชููุงุญู ูุง ููุชููุงุญู
ุงููููููู ูู ุงููุชูุญู ููู ุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูุฎูููุฑู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูุจูุฑูููุฉู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงููููุนูู ูุฉู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ูฑูุฑููุญูู ูุชููู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูุนูููู ู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูุฑููุฒููู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงููููููุฉู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูุตููุญููุฉู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูุณููููุงู ูุฉู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูุนูุงููููุฉู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงููู ูููุฏููุฉู ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูู ููุบูููุฑูุฉ ููุฃูุจูููุงุจู ุงูุฌููููุฉู ููุง ุงูุฑูุญูู ู ุงูุฑูุงุญูู ูููู
[O Opener! O Opener! O Opener!
O Allah! open for me the doors to every thing good
and the doors to prosperity/increase in your bounties (in everything you give)
and the doors to your blessings
and the doors to your mercy
and the doors to knowledge
and the doors to your sustenance
and the doors to strength and perseverance
and the doors to health and wellness
and the doors to peace and security
and the doors to well-being in all aspects
and the doors to love and caring
and the doors to your forgiveness
and the doors to paradise
O the Most Merciful of the Merciful.]
Only Allฤh subแธฅฤnahu wa taโฤla knows the bestโฆ
All the praise and appreciation is due to Allahโฆ
๐คฒ Rabbighfirli waliโwaalidayya.
ุฑููุจูู ูฑุบูููุฑู ููู ูููููููฐููุฏูููู
[My Lord! Forgive me and my parents.]
๐คฒ Allฤhumma inni asโalukal Jannatul Firdous wa aโoodhu bika minnan-naar.
ุงููููููู ูู ุงูููู ุฃูุณูุฆููููู ุงูุฌูููุฉู ุงูููุฑุฏูููุณุ ูุฃุนูููุฐููุจููู ู ููู ุงููููุงุฑ
[O Allah, I ask you for gardens of firdous (Jannatul Firdous) and I seek refuge from the fire.]
๐คฒ Allฤhumma salli wa sallim โalaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammadin.
ุงููููููู ูู ุตูููู ูู ุณููููู ู ุนูููู ููุจููููููุง ู ูุญูู ููุฏู
[O Allah, we ask for your peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad.]
๐คฒ Subโhaana rabbika rabbil ‘izzati amma yasifun wa salaamun alal mursaleen walโhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.
ุณูุจูุญูุงูู ุฑูุจูููู ุฑูุจูู ุงููุนูุฒููุฉู ุนูู ููุง ููุตููููููุ ููุณูููุงู ู ุนูููู ุงููู ูุฑูุณููููููุ ููุงููุญูู ูุฏู ููููููู ุฑูุจูู ุงููุนูุงููู ูููู
[Exalted is your Lord, the Lord of might, above what they describe. And peace upon the messengers. And praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds.]
๐คฒ Subโhaanaka Allฤhumma wa bi hamdika, ashโhadu an laa ilaaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayka.
ุณูุจูุญูุงูููู ุงููููููู ูู ููุจูุญูู ูุฏููู ุฃูุดูููุฏู ุฃููู ูุงู ุฅููููู ุฅููุงูู ุฃูููุชู ุฃูุณูุชูุบูููุฑููู ููุฃูุชููุจู ุฅููููููู
[Glorified be You, O Allฤh, our Lord, I praise You. There is no god but You. I seek Your forgiveness and repent (of my sins) to You.]
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๐นAnd remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers. [Al-Qurโฤn 51:55]
๐นOne who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of its doer. [Sahih Muslim 4665]
โฅ๏ธ May our beloved Rabbi envelop us & our loved ones in his infinite mercy alwaysโฆ
Ya Wadud, we seek forgiveness for every sin that draws us near Your displeasure or anger๐คฒ
~~~Radiant Islamic Peace Submission (
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