Competing with Almighty(by wearing his cloak) or Iblis(in imitating him)??? Check for yourself👇
💠💎🔘 Pride stems from having many good qualities, whether that is practicing many good deeds, or being blessed with beauty or wisdom, or having knowledge of certain subjects.
🔳♦️ But to Allah belongs the honor, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know. [Al-Munafiqun 63:8]
🔳 🔷 The Prophetﷺ said, “Pride is dissatisfaction with the truth, and belittling the people.” [Muslim]
♦️ Indeed, He does not love the proud. [an-Nahl 16:23]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “He will not enter Paradise who has even a speck of pride in his heart.” [Muslim]
🔸 Pride is likened to kufr, the opposite of faith, as we see in the following hadeeth, the Messengerﷺ said, “The people of Paradise will enter Paradise, and the People of the Fire will enter the Fire. Then Allah Almighty will say, ‘Remove from it (the Fire) whoever has faith in his heart equal to that of a mustard seed…”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
🔲 These examples show us that:
🔸 1. Faith(eemaan) inevitably brings one out of Hell and warrants Paradise;
🔸 2. Pride(kibr) like disbelief(kufr) prevents entrance to Paradise.
♦️ Those who dispute about the signs of Allah without any authority given to them, their breasts are filled with nothing but pride for that which they shall never attain… [al-Ghaafir 40:56]
♦️ And every time I invited them so you might forgive them, they only put their fingers in their ears. Covering themselves with their garments, grown obstinate, and given over to pride. [Nooh 71:7]
♦️ When our signs are recited to such, he turns away full of pride, as if he heard them not… [Luqmaan 31:7]
♦️ Those who disdain His worship and are full of pride, He will gather them all together to answer to Him.” [An-Nisaa’ 4:172]
Allah informs us about the believers in the Qur’an:
♦️ “…they have no pride.” [As-Sajdah 32:15]
And about the angels who are pure, Allah said:
♦️ “…they have no pride.” [An-Nahl 16:49]
♦️ Those who are in presence are not too proud to serve Him… [Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:19]
🔲 Pride is certainly not a characteristic of the believer.
Allah Almighty calls Himself:
♦️ “…The Irresistible, The Justly Proud…” [Al-Hashr 59:23]
♦️ “…The Great, The Most High.” [Ar-Ra’d 13:9]
♦️ “…Indeed Allah – He is the Most High, the Most Great.” [Al-Hajj 22:62]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Allah Almighty said, ‘Pride is My cloak, and Glory is My wrap. so for he who competes with Me in either of these, I will cast him into the Fire’.” [Ahmad, Abu Dawud, lbn Majah]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Allah Almighty said, ‘Pride is my cloak, he who competes with Me for my cloak shall be shattered by Me’.” [Al-Hakim]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Indeed Allah Almighty said, ‘Might is My wrap and Pride is My cloak, he who competes with me in them, I will make him suffer’.” [AI-Tabarani]
🔲 Since He is the Most Great, only Allah is worthy of pride. For, pride comes from greatness. Just as He is the King, the Glorious. we realize that we will not be serving Him by seeking to possess such characteristics, but we are instead encouraged to humble ourselves before His majesty.
◻️ Glory be to Him, for He alone is justly proud, and He has denied pride from those whom He calls believers. Therefore, pride – which is in fact self-praise, is forbidden to the servants of Allah. Now who would challenge Him in that???
♦️ So enter the gates of Hell to dwell therein. Indeed evil is the abode of the proud.” [An-Nahl 16:29]
♦️ But today you shall be recompensed with suffering humiliation because you were prideful in the earth without just cause…” [Al-Ahqaaf 46:20]
♦️ On the Day of Judgment you will see those who lied against Allah. Their faces will be blackened, is there not in Hell an abode for the proud.” [Az-Zumar 39:60]
♦️ Enter the gates of Hell to dwell therein. This is the evil abode of the proud.” [Az-Zumar 39:72]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Paradise and the Fire quarreled. Paradise said, ‘The weak and the poor enter me.’ The Fire replied, ‘The oppressive and the proud enter me.’ So Allah Almighty said to the Fire, ‘You are my punishment, in you I punish whom I wish.’ He said to Paradise, ‘You are my mercy to whom I wish, and each of you will certainly be filled.’” [Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaimah]
🔸The wording of Al-Bukhari: “Paradise and the Fire complained to their Lord. Paradise said, ‘O Lord, there is none who enter me but the weak and despised’. The Fire said, ‘I receive only the proud…”
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Shall I inform you of the people of Paradise? They are every weak and humble person, if he takes an oath to Allah, it will be fulfilled. Shall I inform you of the people of the Fire? They are every cruel, violent and proud person.” [Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasa’i, Ibn Majah]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “On the Day of Resurrection, the proud will be gathered as ants in the image of men. They will suffer humiliation from every direction. They will be herded to imprisonment in a Hell called Buwlus. There they will be presented fire (to eat), they will drink the drippings from the inhabitants of the Fire, agitating their derangement.” [Ahmad, AI-Tirmidhi, hasan hadeeth]
♦️ He was proud and he was of the disbelievers. [Saad 38:74]
🔲 According to the different reports from the Qur’anic exegeses, Iblis(Satan) was the most notable character among the assembly of jinn and angels. He was their most knowledgeable and wise, he was given authority over the lowest firmament, and the earth. He, out of his pride, became a disbeliever, for he was so conceited that Allah said he was, “proud, and he was of the disbelievers”.
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “If you were not sinners, I would fear for you what is worse for you: Pride, pride(al-ujba).” [Al-Bayhaqi, hasan hadeeth]
🔲 Al-Ujba in the above hadeeth, implies arrogance due to self-praise; the one who is amazed with himself. This boarders on the
following character: He is blessed by Allah with the ability of hiding his imperfections and sin. Allah covers his imperfections so that others will not notice them. Yet he behaves toward others as though he is better than some. This is the difference between ujba and kibr, the first invites the heart to the second and may or may not manifest outwardly, if it does, then it is
called pride or arrogance. So it creeps up on us in the following situation: During idle discussion we criticize a sinner for his acts, though we do not name him. Through this behavior we believe that we are practicing good learning exercises, when in fact, this is a way of “showing your pride – without showing it.” Even worse than this; there are some of us who go through great lengths to expose the faults of others. Hard on the proud is the following hadeeth:
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Whoever wishes to be heard of, Allah makes him heard of. Whoever wishes to be seen, Allah shows him. Whoever is harsh, on the Day of Resurrection Allah will be harsh on him”. [Bukhari, Ahmad, Muslim]
🔲 As such, pride is one of the most interesting issues. Men will die for it, speak for it, and act upon it. In man it is nothing but evil. It is the path of kufr.
🔲 Allah maintains His creation justly, and He is the Proud, the Most Magnificent, the Holy, and He is worthy of all praise.
🔸 1. EGO
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will not look at one who struts in his draping robe out of pride.” [Ahmad, Al -Bukhari]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “When a man says, The people are ruined, then he is the most ruined among them”. [Muslim, Malik, Ahmad, Al-Bukhari in his book AI-Adab] ~ According to Imam Malik, this does not mean that a person connot verbalize the poor religious practice that his people suffer from. Rather, it censures the person who condems his people out of pride for himself or to belittle them. And Allah knows best. (See Sharh Sahih Muslim by AI-Nawawi and Sunan Abu Dowud)
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Indeed Allah revealed to me: Humble yourselves until none is proud over another and none is oppressive over another.” [Muslim, Abu Dawud, lbn Majah]
🔲 This is the category from which springs forth the others. Each additional thing that one becomes proud of builds his ego or the contentment with his self. This is witnessed in the behavior of Iblis when he was too proud to obey Allah’s command and said:
♦️ ‘I am better than he is.’ [Saad: 76]
◻️ Its cure is to remember that we are all created from a substance that is discarded, that we were in the beginning a thing not worth mentioning,
♦️🔸 Has there not been, over man, a period of time when he was nothing worthy of mention? [Al-lnsaan 76:1]
♦️🔸 So let man see from what he is created. He is created from a fluid poured forth. [At-Taariq 86:5-6]
🔲 Know that if lblis was given authority over the earth and the lowest firmament. and the most knowledgeable and beautiful among his kind, then look at him now; he is cursed and despised and the enemy of us all due to his pride for these good things. Be mindful of the saying of the Prophetﷺ:
🔹 “…And none humbles himself to Allah, but Allah raises him.” [Ahmad, Muslim, AI-Tirmidhi]
🔲 As for he who is proud of his knowledge, then let him look at the hadeeth which narrates the first people to be judged after the martyrs on the Day of Resurrection:
🔹 “…And a person who learned knowledge and taught it, and recited the Qur’an, so Allah brought this man before Him and pointed out His favor, which the man recognized. He is asked, ‘What did you do with it?’ He says, ‘I learned knowledge and I taught it, and I recited the Qur’an for you.’ So He [Allah] says, ‘You lie! In fact, you learned so that it would be said of you, “He is a scholar”, and you recited the Qur’an so that it would be said of you, “He is a Qari”, and it was said.’ Then it will be ordered that he be dragged upon his face into the Fire….”. [Ahmad, Muslim, AI-Nasaa’iy]
🔹 Notice that “it was said” that he is a scholar, and one who recites the Qur’an. A man was praised in the presence of the Messenger of Allahﷺ ~ so he said, “You have destroyed him.” [Al-Bukhari]
🔹 On another occasion heﷺ said, “If one of you feels that he must praise someone, then let him say, ‘I regard him to be such and such’ if in fact he thinks that he is such, and Allah will surely reckon him for such statement. None can certify on behalf of Allah.” [Al-Bukhari]
🔹And the Messengerﷺ said, “A man said: ‘By Allah, so and so will not be forgiven by Allah. So Allah Almighty said, ‘Who is deciding for Me that I will not forgive so and so? Indeed I have forgiven him and voided your deeds’.” [Muslim]
🔹 The Messenger of Allahﷺ said, “Whoever wishes to be heard of, Allah makes him heard of. Whoever wishes to be seen, Allah shows him. Whoever is harsh, on the Day of Resurrection Allah will be harsh on him. [Bukhari, Ahmad, Muslim]
🔹And Heﷺ said, “Indeed the first of people upon whom judgement will be passed on the Day of Reckoning is a man who sought martyrdom. When he appears before Allah, he is made to recognize his favors. It is said, ‘What did you do with it?’ He says, ‘I fought for you until martyrdom.’ It is said, ‘You lie! You fought so that it would be said, ‘He is brave’, and so it was said. Then it will be ordered that he be dragged upon his face until he is cast into the Fire….” [Ahmad, Muslim, AI-Nasaa’iy]
◻️ One must beware of this pitfall in regard to the deeds which they perform, their life’s agenda, and the acquisition and spreading of knowledge.
◻️ A deed will only benefit its practitioner when it fulfills the proper conditions.
🔘🔸1. Faith in Allah
It requires one to drop his blind allegiances to the false creed of his un-Islamic people, whether that un-Islamic creed is philosophical and logical, or nation-party oriented. It requires one to adopt the creed that the Messenger of Allahﷺ taught his companions. This creed is the accepted faith.
🔘🔸2. Conformity
It requires one to perform the deed as the Prophetﷺ instructed, for he was in fact the perfect model of a believer. Any deed which is proudly modeled after someone else, above himﷺ, it is a rejected deed.
🔘🔸3. Sincerity
It must be intended for Allah alone – it is not bragged about, it is not done to be seen or heard about by others, it is not done to attain title or position.
♦️ Surely as for those who disbelieve, neither their wealth nor their children shall avail them in the least from Allah, and these are fuel for the Fire.” [Aal’Imraan 3:10]
◻️ The truly pious will not be proud of anything, for he realizes that in reality he possesses nothing, and that to Allah is the eventual end of all things. He will behave humbly and be content with little, because possessions often lead to injustices. How often do we find ourselves responsible for more than we are capable of maintaining? In such situations we will certainly be unjust to something. To give each thing its due right, one must content himself with few.
As for the believers:
♦️ Indeed Allah has purchased from the believers, their selves and their wealth, for which there is Paradise for them..” [AI-Tawba 9:111]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Whoever among you arises in the morning feeling a sense of security, in good health, having his food for the day – then he has gathered what the world has to offer him.” [Hason hodeeth reported by AI-Bukhari in AI-Adab, Abu Dawud, lbn Mojah, also refer sisilat-al-Ahadeeth al-Saheehah 2318]
🔲 There was once a camel that the Prophet ﷺ owned, it was undefeated in racing. The Muslims were proud of this camel. One day the camel lost a race, this saddened the Muslims.
🔹 On this occasion, the Prophet ﷺ informed them, “Indeed it is a right upon Allah that nothing in this life is raised, but He lowers it.” [Ahmad, Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawud, AI-Nasaa’iy]
◻️ The believer knows that his belongings are to be used sincerely for the pleasure of His Lord. Do not think so highly of yourself because of the bounties or blessings which you have been given, rather be thankful of Allah and remember His rights regarding these, and all things.
🔹 The Messenger of Allahﷺ said, “The people who suffer the severest trials are the Prophets, then those nearest to them in character, then the next, etc. People are tried according to the strength of their religious commitment. The more sound one’s religious commitment is, the stronger his adversity. The weaker one’s religious commitment is, the lesser his adversity. Indeed a man will suffer severe calamities (time after time) until he walks amidst the people being cleansed of his sins.” [lbn Hibaan, also recorded by many others with different wordings, graded as sahih by Al-Albani, see the discussion in silsilat-al-ahadeeth al-Saheehah 143-first edition]
🔲 Again we may quote here the remainder of the hadeeth mentioned previously, where, on the Day of Resurrection a man who was blessed with wealth in his earthly life is asked what he did with it, and he replies,
🔹 “…I neglected no opportunity which You would like this wealth to be spent, but I spent it for Your sake. Allah says, ‘You lie! You spent it only so that it would be said, “He is generous”, and so it was said.’ Then it will be ordered that he be dragged upon his face until he is cast into the Fire.” [Ahmad, Muslim, AI-Nosoa’iy]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Four things are among my followers from the traditions of jahiliyyah(ignorant state) which will not leave: pride of lineage, slandering kinship, use of astrology for rain, and wailing.” [Muslim, Ahmad, AI-Taboroani. Al-Hakim and AI-Boyhaqi in his sunan]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “Indeed Allah has removed from you the blind loyalties of jahlliyah and the pride for ancestry. Either be a pious believer, or a miserable insolent. All of you are children of Aadam, and Aadam is from dust. Let some men cease to take pride in others who are nothing but burning coal for the Hell-Fire, it will be easier for Allah to handle them than a dung-beetle driving his nose into filth.” [Ahmad, Abu Dawud, hasan hadeeth, similar narrative in Al-Tirmidhi, without the mention of the dung-bettle]
🔹 The Prophetﷺ said, “…whoever invites to tribalism, or aids in tribalism and is killed, he dies the death of jahlliyah… he is not of me, and I am not of him.” [Ahmad, Muslim, AI-Nasaa’iy]
◻️🔘🔸Sincerity in religion is the key to success. Only when the Muslims remove pride from their hearts can they be sincere.
Only Allaah knows the best…
O Allah, I take your refuge from kufr(disbelief), kibr(pride) and kathr(the excess-of all blessings/possessions) through which I deviate from your righteous path… 🤲
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And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers. [Al-Qur’an 51:55]
One who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of its doer. [Sahih Muslim 4665]
May our beloved Rabbi envelop us & our loved ones in his infinite mercy always…
Ya Wadud, we seek forgiveness for every sin that draws us near Your displeasure or anger 🤲
~~~Radiant Islamic Peace Submission (
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